2013 Artisan Cheese Festival cooking demonstrations

redwood hill goat YOGURT PANNACOTTA
+ sherry roasted grapes
Duskie Estes
Makes 16 4-ounce parfaits
nonstick spray
6 gelatin sheets (or 3¾ tsp powdered gelatin)
5 cups heavy cream
1½ cups sugar
64 oz. redwood hill goat yogurt
3 oranges, zested
pinch salt
1 pound seedless red grapes
1 cup sherry
prepare ramekins with nonstick spray.
in a double boiler on medium heat, dissolve the gelatin in the cream and sugar. strain into the yogurt. add zest.
pour into prepared ramekins and let set in refrigerator overnight.
to roast the grapes, preheat the oven to 450°F. pick the grapes into bundles and place on a sheet tray. douse with sherry and roast until browned, about 15 minutes.
to serve, “tickle” the edges of each pannacotta and turn them out. Serve with some of the roasted grapes and a shortbread cookie.